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Caucasians typically have the most hair among the three ethnic groups. While Asian hair grows faster and stronger, Caucasians (or Europeans) have fuller hair (more hair volume).
No two people have the same amount of hair on their heads. However, the similarities between people of a given region or ethnicity can help classify and tell the differences between their hair strands.
Read on to learn:
- What ethnicity has the most hair
- Who is the hairiest man
- Why are some races hairier than others
- Which is better between having more hair or less
What Ethnicity Has the Most Hair?

The Caucasian ethnicity has the most hair, primarily the Mediterranean and Semitic groups. The Asians and Indians are on the other side of the spectrum, with the least hairs on their heads and bodies, while the remaining ethnicities fall in between.
Hair density, thickness, growth speed, and shape of hair follicles are similar among people from the same ethnicities. These factors are some of the considerations researchers and scientists use to differentiate the nature of hair.
Ethnically, hair types can be grouped into Caucasian, Afro, and Asian ethnicities. While there are hairier people than others in each group, Caucasians tend to have more hair volume and fuller heads than the rest. Here’s a breakdown of which ethnicity has the most hair and why.
Asian Hair
Asians have the fastest growing hair (at 0.55 inches monthly), with a round, even shape. The hair grows perpendicular to the scalp and typically has the lowest density.
Asian hair is mostly straight and often considered the thickest (have a thick strand) among the three ethnic-hair groups. Their hair’s cross-section is also reportedly the roundest among the three types.
The Southern Asians, particularly Indians, are currently flaunting their hairy limbs on the internet and dominating the Twittersphere for having the most hair on their arms. Also, Asians, especially the Japanese and Chinese, have the thickest hair strands, followed by the blacks.
Caucasian Hair
The Caucasians refer to people hailing from Europe, some parts of Northern Africa, and Southern and Central Asia. Caucasian hair ranges from wavy, curly, and straight and can be blond or dark brown.
Caucasian hair grows at a speed slightly below the Asian’s (0.5 inches monthly) and is mostly the highest in density among the three ethnicities. They have oval hair strands growing diagonally from the scalp. Caucasians have the fullest hair among the three ethnic groups.
Also, Caucasians lead with the highest density of facial hair among the three ethnicities. The men from these regions grow thicker beards, followed by blacks. On the other hand, Asians have the hardest time developing a pronounced beard.
African Hair
The best way to identify African hair is through tight curls and kinks. The hair grows at 0.35 inches monthly (slowest growth speed), has a flat surface, and sprouts parallel to the scalp.
Given the spiral nature of this type of hair, it typically curls on itself, appearing shorter than the actual height. African hair is also typically dry, making it prone to breakage. While African hair doesn’t usually grow as long as the other types, they are fuller than Asian hair.
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Who Is the Hairiest Person?
Larry Gomez, sometimes referred to as the “Wolf Man,” is the hairiest man on earth. While this is a unique case, this Hispanic in California has 98% of his body covered by hair.
Doctors established that he is suffering from an uncommon genetic complication called hypertrichosis, the disease responsible for stimulating the excessive growth of hair around his body.
Why Are Some Races Hairier Than Others?
The question of why some ethnicities are hairier than the rest is a common concern among most people. Scientists have conducted several types of research to establish the basis of this disparity. However, none of these studies has found the correct answer.
Caucasian men have more beards and fuller hair on the head than Japanese, despite the similarity in their testosterone levels. Genetics have been found to play a significant role in hair density at a personal level. You may be originating from a hairy race and not have fuller hair.
Also, you may be fuzzier than it is in the ethnic group you belong to. In this case, the genetic structure of your ancestors and parents may be at play. But then again, several causes and situations may cause you to be hairier.
Other Possible Reasons for Being Hairy
You can still feel hairier whether you belong to a race with a fuller or lesser hair density. Hormonal changes, medication, and other body changes have proven to make some people hairier than expected.
Medications, especially steroids and anti-seizure remedies, are prone to causing excessive hair growth. Check with your doctor if they are the reasons behind your conditions and get some professional help.
Hormonal Changes
Hirsutism, the condition that makes women grow hair in areas where only men grow hair, like the chin or above the lips, is a common cause of low self-esteem and anxiety among the women with the problem. The condition, according to doctors, is due to a higher rate of progesterone hormones in the woman’s body.
Pregnancy causes massive hormonal reactions, making some women grow excessive hair. While it may be uncomfortable to put up, the new hairiness is only for a short period.
Instead of going for remedies that may be ineffective or dangerous to your condition, it’s better that you manage the growth by shaving until you deliver
Less or More Hairy. Which Is Better?

Annette Shaff/Shutterstock
Having less or more hair is more of a personal choice. While others love bald-shaven heads, others find a fuller head more attractive. You may want to get the density and size that satisfies you.
However, ensure that your extremely fuller hair (especially if it occurred recently) isn’t an indication of an underlying problem. The best way to tell this is by visiting your doctor for a checkup and recommendations if you notice that you abruptly have more hair than before.
If you prefer less or short hair, there are several ways to get the size and density you want. You may want to try:
- Prescription creams
- Getting a haircut
- Threading
- Hair removal lotions
- Hair electrolysis
The best solution depends on your needs, your general health, and that of your skin. As a result, you may want to consult your dermatologist and seek the best solution before using any creams or settling on treatments that can be harsh on your skin.
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about hair growth.
What is wooly hair syndrome?
Wooly Hair Syndrome is a rare genetic skin disease characterized by dry and highly coiled hair structure.
Why is African hair so dry and different?
African hair produces a higher volume of lipids than Asian and Caucasian hair. However, its naturally tight curls make it hard for the fats to spread along the hair strands evenly, causing them to dry up.
Which ethnicity is the baldest?
Balding is most common among Caucasians and then Afro-Caribbeans. The Japanese and Chinese men are the least likely to bald, while Native Americans don’t lose their hair to balding.
Which ethnicity has the longest hair?
Asian hair is the longest. For example, the Red Yao Tribe, living in a village in the Chinese mountains, has the longest hair. Their women can grow hair almost the length of their height.
Are thick beards hereditary?
Yes. You’re likely to have thick beards if your parents or ancestors have the same.
So, What Ethnicity Has the Most Hair?
Studies indicate that Caucasians have the most hair, followed by Africans and then Asians. However, it’s worth noting that Asian hair is the fastest growing and strongest to break. So now you’ve learned something! And while you’re here, be sure to check out our other hair care and styling guides.