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Dreads might be the perfect solution to add interest and texture to your hair. Dreading white hair is possible with the right products and techniques. If you’re wondering how to dread white hair, this guide explores everything you need to know.
How to Dread White Hair in 7 Steps
Dreading white hair isn’t too difficult, but it does require patience and consistency. Here is how to go about it.
1. Get the Right Products
Traditional wax is more popular and comes in a variety of colors. This wax can help you achieve the desired color contrast between white hair and dark roots.
Dreadlock butter is another option. The main ingredient here is beeswax and not paraffin or petroleum jelly. Dreadlock butter is less sticky than traditional wax but tends to be more expensive.
As for shampoos, choose a product specifically designed for dreadlocks. Look for ingredients like aloe vera gel or coconut oil — great moisturizers that help keep your hair soft during this process!
2. Divide Your Hair Into Sections
There are a few ways to divide it into sections. The first approach is combing. It’s the most basic method of sectioning off your dreads and works best for people with medium-length or longer hair.
Take one lock of white hair on either side of your head and pile them up. Gather all these twisted locks together in one hand and secure them with an elastic band. Repeat this process until all strands are gathered into tiny twisted knots known as dreadlocks!
If you have more delicate hair, try using a rat tail comb instead. It will help separate those loose strands while they’re still wet, so they don’t stick together later when they’re dry.
3. Wash Your Hair With Dread Shampoo
Once you’ve dried your hair, the next step is to wash it with dread shampoo. Washing is a crucial step in the dreading process and will help create the nits that hold your dreads together.
You may have heard that some people use apple cider vinegar or baking soda to clean their hair as an alternative to traditional shampoos. However, these products can strip your hair of oil and moisture and don’t yield the same results as commercial dread shampoo.
If you don’t already have dread shampoo on hand, there are many great brands available online or at beauty supply stores. Any brand should do just fine for this step in getting your new hair ready for life as a natural-born dreadhead!
4. Dry Your Hair
To finish drying your hair, grab your towel and wipe it down. You don’t need to wrap your head in the towel. Just use it to remove excess water from your locks.
If you have a blow dryer, now is the time to use it! Make sure not to use it more than once a week. Overusing a hair dryer can damage fragile strands of hair and cause split ends (not something you want).
5. Put in Backcombing Cream and Comb Your Hair Backwards
The best way to put in your backcombing cream is to use a comb with a rubber grip. It makes it easier to hold the comb while backcombing your hair.
A wide tooth comb is ideal for this step because it will give you more control when backcombing your hair. It makes it possible to prevent ingrown hairs from forming between each dreadlock twist.
6. Roll Up the Dreads
You’ll have a few options when it’s time to roll up your dreads. You can roll them up with a rubber band or hair tie and then wax them down. This method is easy to execute but doesn’t work well on thick or coarse hair.
The dreads will be loose and full of holes, so they won’t look as neat later on in their journey towards being perfect dreads. Roll them up, then backcomb them before waxing them down. This method takes more time and effort than rolling up with a rubber band/hair tie.
However, it gives you much better results regarding how neat your final product looks when done! Many people prefer using gel instead of wax when backcombing because it makes things easier to brush through afterward.
7 Waxing Time!
Waxing is the best way to dread white hair. You can choose soft or hard wax. Soft wax is excellent for newly formed locks, as you will be able to grab even the tiniest hairs. If you’re starting with a very sparse area on your head, this will do just fine!
Hard wax can be harder to work with because it doesn’t grab onto thin or broken hairs as easily as soft wax does. If you have these hair types, then definitely use hard wax.
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Other Techniques for Dreading White Hair

Natalia Lebedinskaia/Shutterstock
Since there are several techniques for dreading hair, choosing the one that works best for your situation and individual needs is essential.
The Twist and Rip Method
The Twist and Rip Method is the most basic method of dreading. To do this, take a section of hair and separate it into smaller strands. Then following the below steps.
Step 1: Wash Your Hair
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo, then rinse out all of the shampoos. Don’t add any conditioner or any products to your hair.
Step 2: Split Into Sections
Section off your hair into small sections, about an inch wide for each area. You can make them wider than an inch if you have long hair. If you have shorter hair, keep them thinner.
Step 3: Comb Through Each Section
Take one section at a time and comb through it to remove any tangles, and smooth out the ends so that they’re even at both ends of each section.
Step 4: Twist the Strands
Hold the end of the section between two fingers or in some clamp while twisting the other end around it tightly.
Step 5: Pull Them Apart
Break each section of hair into its lock by ripping it off with your fingers – there should be no loose ends sticking out.
The Crochet Method
Crochet locks are dreads made with a crochet needle. Here you use a thread rather than wax or other substances. The crochet method is ideal for those who have loose hair or hair that needs tightening.
It’s also a good choice if you want to achieve a more natural look because the dreads are not wound together as tightly as they are with other methods.
To start dreading your hair, you’ll need a crochet hook and some thin string. You can also use regular sewing thread if you don’t want to buy any new supplies.
Step 1: Divide Hair Into Sections
The first step in dreading hair with a crochet needle is to divide it into individual sections. It’s best to do this when your hair is still wet or damp, but you can also do it on dry hair. Look at your hair from different angles to know precisely where each section should go.
You should also split up any wispy pieces of hair that might get caught in your hands or crochet needle during this process so that they don’t get pulled out unintentionally during step 2.
Step 2: Pass the Crochet Needle Under a Section of Hair and Loop It
Pass the crochet needle and thread under a section of hair and loop it. The size of your knots will determine how tight or loose your dreadlocks turn out.
You should leave space between each knot so they don’t overlap too much or they might become tangled together later on.
Step 3: Repeat Steps Until You Finish All Sections
Continue doing this until all of your hair has been knotted together with the crochet hook method. It’s important to fluff your new dreadlocks after securing each section of hair with the crochet hook. You may also need to tuck in loose ends of hair or use a wide-toothed comb to smooth out any bumps or kinks.
The Freeform Method
If you want to start dreading your white hair but don’t have the time or patience to roll it, then the quick and easy method is free-forming.
Free forming is a way of developing natural locks by simply not doing except washing and drying your straight hair. Leave it in its natural state, and the beautiful dreadlocks will start forming independently.
Frequently Asked Questions

ShotPrime Studio/Shutterstock
Here are some of the most common questions about dreading white hair.
Can you dread white hair?
Yes, you can dread white hair. You can also dread gray hair and blonde hair. The best thing you can do is get your hair combed out as much as possible.
You want to get all the knots out before the dreading process because it will be much easier if there are no knots in your hair. If you want to keep your dreads natural and not dye them, you should use a conditioner that does not contain artificial dyes.
How can I make my white dreadlocks grow faster?
There isn’t an exact science to making your hair grow faster. However, there are some things you can do to encourage growth, such as: eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water, exercising regularly, and cutting back on smoking.
How do I start dreading my white hair?
Start with a small amount of wax and work it through your hair until every strand is covered. Separate the strands into sections and twist them together tightly. You can also use rubber bands to control how loose or tight you want each dreadlock to be.
Another possibility is twisting the strands before applying a spray to fix them together. This method takes slightly longer than separating them into sections first.
Does dreading white hair hurt?
Not that much. When you first start, it can feel like ripping out a ton of hair at once, but over time it gets easier. It will feel weird to start sleeping with your hair tied up in knots. But after a while, your scalp will get used to it, and it won’t feel so weird anymore.
Will my white hair turn black after I’ve had my dreads for a while?
No! Your dreads will remain white no matter how long they are or how many years go by since they were first installed in your head.
What should I do if my hair is too short?
If your hair is too short, you must wait until it grows to create new dreads or use extensions or clip-ins. Take the time to research what options are available for people with short hair and how they wear their hair.
So, How Do You Dread White Hair?
Now you know how to dread white hair. You can use the easy free-forming technique, or if you have the time, try backcombing, the twist and rip method, or the crotchet method. If you follow this guide, you will find dreading white hair very easy. Happy styling!