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When it comes to colors, pink is among the most popular and daring, but there are instances when you want it gone before it entirely or partially removes itself. Learn how to get pink out of your hair without dying it a different color.
Getting Pink Out of Hair: A Summary
Pink hair color may range from delicate pastel to bright hot, and often times you’ll see pink associated with alt hairstyles. You’ll fall in love with one of these tints as soon as you put it on your hair.
However, despite how much you love your pink hair color at first, odds are you’ll eventually want to change it. So, how to get pink out of your hair? Try any of the following ways:
- Hair color remover
- Bleach bath
- Vitamin C
- Vinegar
- Shampoo and baking soda
- Bath salts
- Swimming
- Sun exposure
First, always choose the least harmful option, considering its effect on the color you’ve used. Before using any of the methods below, you should thoroughly assess your hair’s health and conduct strand and sensitivity tests.
8 Ways to Get Pink Out of Hair
Here are eight methods for removing pink color from your hair quickly and effectively:
1. Hair Color Remover
Hair color removers are the most common method for removing excess color on your hair. Many hair dye removers have mild formulas that get the pink color without affecting the natural color of your hair.
Additionally, they may be used to remove both permanent and semi-permanent dyes. However, one drawback of hair dye removal is the overpowering odor it leaves behind. To put it another way, you’d need to be psychologically and physically prepared to deal with it.
To remove the pink color, you typically need to wash it off once, although this might vary from brand to brand and take longer. So, before using it, I recommend reading its instructions.
Here are a few tips for using a color remover:
- The first step is thoroughly washing your hair with an anti-dandruff or clarifying shampoo. Don’t condition your hair after rinsing and removing the oil buildup.
- After that, don’t use a blow dryer to dry your hair.
- Prepare the hair color remover by following the manufacturer’s directions and applying it to your dyed hair in an even coat.
- Next, wrap the whole area in plastic wrap or a shower cap and let it sit for the recommended amount of time.
- After that, you should properly wash it off. Also, remember that removing all the color and product from your hair could take some time before it is completely clean.
- When you’re done, you should do a deep conditioning treatment on your hair to replace the nutrients and water lost throughout the procedure.
2. Bleach Bath
Bleaching is damaging to our hair. Therefore, you must exercise extreme caution if you want to do it yourself instead of going to a professional hair stylist.
Follow the steps outlined below, and be sure not to let the bleach sit too long. If you don’t, you’ll do irreparable harm to your hair.
- Mix one part bleach powder with one part developer in a basin designed for mixing. Use a pair of protective gloves to prevent the bleach from coming into contact with your skin.
- Mix the contents with a tint brush or a spoon made of a material other than metal until all of the components are completely dissolved. Check to see that the solution does not include any clumps of the powder.
- To make your “potion,” add one or two tablespoons of shampoo and carefully mix everything. Then, apply the mixture to your hair from the bottom to the top.
- After this, place a dry shower cap over your head and let it rest for 15-30 minutes. A regular piece of plastic wrap can likewise do the trick.
Bleaching is a highly effective approach for lightening both natural hair and hair that has been dyed with semi-permanent colors.
Keep in mind that it’s very damaging if you leave potent bleach mixtures on your hair for extended periods of time. The damage is usually irreversible and should be grown out over time.
Read Next: How to Bleach Bath Hair to Remove Color
3. Vitamin C
Using powdered ascorbic acid, also called vitamin C, is the most recent method that has gained popularity for undoing the effects of hair dye. After you have dyed your hair, taking vitamin C may help lighten your strands by eliminating colors that are too intense for your preference.
The natural method of removing hair color that involves using vitamin C tablets that have been broken up is both safe and effective. The chemical connections that hold the dye to the hair are broken, and the color molecules are removed as a result. This is how it works.
You might try using vitamin C to remove hair color by making a vitamin C hair mask and applying it to your hair. If your hair color has been altered by exposure to chlorine or salt water, a hair mask of this kind may also be of use to you.
Bear in mind that the outcomes may differ depending on your selections.
- You will need a half cup of vitamin C powder (10–30 powder-based tablets), a shower cap, a mixing basin, and a clarifying shampoo.
- In a mixing bowl, combine the vitamin C powder and clarifying shampoo. Stir well. Any commercial dyes will tamper with your final hair color, so avoid using colorants in your hair mask.
- After creating the hair mask, apply it to your hair. Extra attention should be paid to the roots and the ends.
- Put on your head cap and let the hair mask sit on your hair for 30-60 minutes, depending on the thickness.
- Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm tap water. After applying this treatment, you may want to use a moisturizing conditioner to keep your hair from being too dry.
4. Vinegar
While temporary hair dye may be removed with vinegar, permanent hair dye is different. To remove hair color from your hair without damaging it, use vinegar instead of chemical treatments.
To keep your hair healthy, vinegar has a somewhat acidic tendency that closes the cuticles and keeps the scalp clean.
Several scalp and hair issues may be eliminated because of its antimicrobial properties. In fact, it aids in treating various hair issues, such as frizzy hair, and gives your hair a shiny, silky finish.
- To remove hair dye with vinegar, prepare two cups of boiling water and two teaspoons of vinegar.
- Add the vinegar to the water and let it settle for 15 minutes.
- Let the mixture cool slightly before using.
- Once you’ve shampooed and rinsed your hair, apply the vinegar mixture all over your hair and let it sit for around 10-20 minutes.
The drawbacks of removing hair color with vinegar must also be considered. If you are sensitive to vinegar, you may have an itchy scalp. Sulfite reactions may also occur, causing your hair to lose moisture.
5. Shampoo and Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great way to eliminate dark pink semi-permanent color. Compared to other treatments, this one enters the hair shaft and is more aggressive. The paste may be made by mixing it with water or shampoo and then applying it to your hair.
- Mix a cup of shampoo with half a cup of baking soda.
- Apply it to your hair once it has been dampened.
- Work it into a lather for best results, and comb it through your hair. Keep it away from your eyes. Wait for approximately 30 minutes before rinsing.
- Rinse your hair with cold water to remove the mixture.
- The hair’s moisture level may be restored by using a deep conditioner.
6. Bath Salts
Bath salts containing Epsom salts and sodium bicarbonate effectively remove undesired hair color. Soak your hair in water with a specified quantity of bath salts for about 15 minutes.
Semi-permanent hair color begins to fade gently, and you’ll see the water’s hue shifting over time. This is an excellent alternative for those who don’t want to go to the trouble of using harsh treatments like bleaching to remove their hair color.
7. Go Swimming
Chlorine, which is found in the pool water, helps remove hair color. When used on semi-permanent colors, it works well to remove the color but isn’t particularly effective at removing it altogether.
Chlorine and saltwater harm your hair and scalp because they dry it out and remove all its moisture, leaving it brittle and dry. Split ends, breakage, and dandruff are all symptoms of a lack of moisture in your hair.
Anti-dandruff shampoo should be used immediately after a swim to prevent dandruff buildup.
After swimming, always wash your hair to remove any chlorine residue. Pool water may make blonde hair greenish. A chelating shampoo, sometimes known as a swimmer’s shampoo, may be purchased online or at beauty supply stores to remedy this.
8. Sun Exposure
Unnatural colors aren’t very photogenic, and we don’t want to encourage you to become sunburned. You’ll notice a change in your hair’s color if you can safely expose it to the sun for a few days.
To prevent sunburn on your skin and scalp, always take preventive measures. It gradually fades all hair color forms but works best on vegetable-based colors.
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:
How can I restore the natural color of my hair naturally?
The first thing you need to do is absolutely nothing. Letting your hair grow out completely for approximately three months would be best.
Is removing hair color damaging?
Stripping hair color implies removing the dye’s pigmentation using a product designed to do just that. Damage-free hair is possible if the product doesn’t include harmful chemicals.
Does baking soda dry my hair?
To avoid drying out your hair, you should always use baking soda paste sparingly and thoroughly condition your hair first.
Should I use shampoo to remove hair dye?
While shampoos won’t remove all of your hair’s color, they might help fade it so that it’s simpler to conceal with another color. A clarifying or anti-dandruff shampoo will gradually fade and remove the hair color.
Does vitamin C ruin your hair?
As long as you utilize vitamin C correctly, not only will it not damage your strands, but it is also recognized to provide several advantages that will help boost your hair’s natural health and promote nutrition.
So, How Do You Get Pink Out of Your Hair?
Home remedies, such as vitamin C or vinegar, may remove the pink color from hair without bleaching or further lightening it. Hair color removers are a quick fix.
Toners may also be used to eliminate reddish tones from the hair, although they will not entirely erase the pink hair color. Always go for the choice that does the least harm and is the least aggressive. Happy styling!